Reccomended Sites

Selasa, November 09, 2010 |

hi guys, today i want to post you several reccomended sites. please check it out. :

1. helicopter toys and remote control
2. multi resource site
3. Google and Twitter Trends News
4. Google and Twitter Trending Topics
5. Google and Twitter Trending News
6. Google and Twitter Trending Articles
7. News Trending Topics
8. Canon Printer Stores

i reccomend you to see these site, hope you can found something new out there. Ok keep moving guys, hope my post usefull.


VGA (Graphic Card) IBM Thinkpad T42 Laptop

Senin, Juli 05, 2010 |

Do you know that IBM Thinkpad T42 have a bad things on the VGA or graphic card, especially for "ATI Mobility RADEON 7500". Yes, Many people have problem with T42 VGA. And it's not a cheap, you need to replace it to the new one. Most people didn't know about it, so they use their thinkpad T42 for playing high-end games, watching movie to much, or even use it on design. Well it's really not a good thing, as i know there is no FAN on the VGA of this T42, so it can makes the ATI VGA becomes so hot.

As you know, IBM thinkpad T42 comes with this :

Video chipsets:
32MB ATI Mobility RADEON 7500 (dangerous, dont use it to play high end games)
32MB ATI Mobility RADEON 9000
64MB ATI Mobility RADEON 9600
128MB ATI Mobility FIREGL T2

My friend, who are the technicians have solved many problem about this VGA problem. well, it cost so much money. Well i dont, know about another ATI RADEON 9000, 9600 or FireGL T2, is that have a same problem or no. But according to my friend experience, many IBM thinkpad T42 have a big problem on the VGA.

Another Problem, about the VGA is "BGA problem which need Reflow", well i weill talk about it next post. Hope this post usefull.

wundermarks & cresentpurchasing

My IBM Thinkpad T42 Notebook

Sabtu, Juli 03, 2010 |

I have a great IBM Thinkpad T42 notebook. An old one, but still powerfull. I have upgrade the Disk Drive and RAM. i have 160 GB of storage data and 1GB of memory. In this blog i want to share all about IBM thinkpad T42. From the Hardware and Software, so you can maximize the use of your ibm t42.

I usually use this laptop for work, design, typing, browsing, and watching movies. I not reccomended this laptop for playing games, espesially for the games which need high end of VGA. As i know, IBM thinkpad bundled VGA using ATI, which not dedicated for games, so there is so much user who have problem with the VGA and it's really expensive to repair, about $200. Now, the sparepart is so rare as i know, and it's mean more price.

For your info, IBM thinkpad now has reach to more higher levels, there is T60 or even T61. The Design of the models really so similiar, but the hardware not same.

Ok it's my first Post, just for the introduction.

wundermarks & cresentpurchasing